I recall seeing a business in Tucson called "Ephebian"
Yes, but the business clearly didn't know how to spell "Ephebian" - they spelled it with two "i"s instead of two "e"s. Oh the humanity.
An ephebian (or "ephebus") was a youth in ancient Greece who had reached the age of puberty. The name is from the Greek word ephēbos, from "epi-" ("upon") and "hēbē" ("youth" or "puberty").
Meanwhile, a "klatch" is defined (in north America, anyway) as "an informal social gathering at which coffee is served." The term “coffee klatch” comes from the German word
“kaffeeklatsch”, which translates to coffee (kaffee) + gossip (klatsch) - so it's friends gathering for coffee and gossip, usually at someone's house. (So, it's especially appropriate for a quasi-Arabian culture, since the Arabs invented coffee).
Surely everyone knows where Hersheba and Djelibeybi come from.

But, apparently, the Tezuma and other Lost Empires(TM) are also in a jungle in Klatch, which is surely a geographical misallocation. And why the name "Tezuma", given that it's a Japanese word?
Maybe something like "Teanotchland" (Tenochtitlan) would've been more Aztec. Or "Which-hodgepodge" (standing it for Huitzilopochtli, the Aztec god of War, pron. "Which-Li-o-Potch-Li") ... though the "li" part sounds more Chinese than anything.
Or, if we're going for an Incan or Mayan angle, how about the names "Inkadinkadon't" (standing in for Incas) or "the Angeline Empire" (reference both to Maya Angelou and the Angevine Empire)...? *G*
Anyway, don't mind me. Just thinking aloud ...