STICKY Links to Discworld Discussions

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Super Moderator
City Watch
Jul 25, 2008
Cardiff, Wales
This page contains links to the Discworld Discussion thread for ease of access. The 'live' links are to either past discussions of active ones.

Please note that there is no end date for these discussions. They are available for anyone to add to whenever they want to. :)

The Colour of Magic (1983) **

The Light Fantastic (1986) **

Equal Rites (1987) **

Mort (1987) **

Sourcery (1988) **

Wyrd Sisters (1988) **

Pyramids (1989) **

Guards! Guards! (1989) **

Eric (1990) **

Moving Pictures (1990) **

Reaper Man (1991) **

Witches Abroad (1991) **

Small Gods (1992) **

Lords and Ladies (1992) **

Men at Arms (1993) **

Soul Music (1994) **

Interesting Times (1994) **

Maskerade (1995) **

Feet of Clay (1996) **

Hogfather (1996) **

Jingo **

The Last Continent (1998) **

Carpe Jugulum (1998) **

The Fifth Elephant (1999) **

The Truth (2000) **

Thief of Time (2001) **

The Last Hero (2001) (with Paul Kidby) **

Amazing Maurice and His Educated Rodents (2001) **

Night Watch (2002) **

The Wee Free Men (2003) **

Monstrous Regiment (2003) **

A Hat Full of Sky (2004) **

Going Postal (2004) **

Thud! (2005) **

Wintersmith (2006) **

Making Money (2007) **

Unseen Academicals **

I Shall Wear Midnight **

Snuff **

Raising Steam **

Shepherd's Crown **

Edited by Jason to fix the links to the new urls.
Edited by Tonyblack to fix links to the new urls - 18 July 2015
Last edited:
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