the Moist von Lipwig trilogy. SPOILERS. GP, MM, RS.

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May 20, 2012
I recently read a brief discussion on a tumblr blog about the symbolism of Moist's first job, as postmaster, in GP - the part where the old uniform makes him the avatar of the messenger god, the one with the winged hat, winged boots, and the other bit they don't use. It has been pointed out that the god in question is Mercury, also known as Hermes, the Messenger of the gods. A person in that thread observed that Moist becomes the avatar, partly because on the gallows he commended his soul to any god that can find it. Hermes is the psychopomp that takes the soul to the next world - the first god that finds the soul, in fact. Hermes took over Moist then.

Vetinari wanted to improve communications by bringing back the Post Office. But he also wanted to redeem Moist by forcing him to transform from a useless thief and conman into a person that would benefit The City. The Moist trilogy is the story of Moist's forced transformation.

This is going to get metaphysical. and there will inevitably be SPOILERS.

Hermes, the trickster, is not just the Messenger. He is also the god of thieves, wealth, and travel (usually expressed as sailors). (His Roman version, Mercury, adds the element of improved roads.)

Moist of course fixes the post office and then acquires the connected method of messaging, the Clacks. Messenger. GNU. Then he gets the Bank, and the Mint. Wealth. (He also gets the dog, Mr Fusspot, with its favorite toy, that somehow never runs down. One of the symbols of Hermes was the independent penis, often shown as winged - the uniform bit that strapped on but they didn't use any more.)
Then he is given the job of making the railroad happen. Travel, and improved roads.

But there is more to it. Mercury is one of the primary substances in classical Alchemy. At a low level it was making gold out of base substances, usually lead -- this literally happens in Making Money, as the Glooper first represented the loss of gold from the vault, replaced by plated lead, and then replaced it with real gold. But Alchemy has a non-physical level, that of transforming a human being into an advanced spiritual bring. Vetinari is putting Moist through a fierce process to transform him into a person who can serve The City. (Terry confirmed this in a brief private conversation in a hallway at a small local convention in Maryland.)

The City is an idealized concept, a Platonic ideal of perfection, with all the symbolism that implies. The metaphysics is deep and I leave it up to you to investigate if you wish.

The Moist trilogy has the primary theme of Transformation. Minor characters often have their own transformative arcs, more or less successful. Cosmo Lavish tries to become Vetinari, but is too literal about it. He joins the other failed attempts. Gladys is told first to take the role of a female, does her best to find out what that role is, and finally learns that the role is bigger and more flexible than she had been told. Mr Bent recreates himself, finally blending his inborn role with his chosen role.
Moist frees himself from the overt hold Vetinari had over him, but at that point he has been so changed from his old personality that he stays in his new role as protege, and works to extend the railroad.

Railroad - faster travel, more trade, wealth spread around, better connections - messages.
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