*shrug* There's nothing "revealed" about it. Everyone who knows about Eddie the Abdicator knows (or should know) that his stuttering brother made him Governor of the Bahamas in order to get him as far away from Europe as possible.
Eddie was basically messed up. He was very sensitive as a kid, so his dad sent him to the Royal Navy to "toughen him up", as was the style at the time, which basically broke him emotionally. He was trying to be close to his mum, who was emotionally distant and put duty and country before family. No wonder he had no idea how to behave with women, and idolised so-called "strong men".
The 30s were, of course, the era of "strong man rule" in Italy, Germany and Russia, so the Abdicator idolised Hitler in particular, since Hitler was the geographically closest and strongest.
As for p***ing money up the wall ........... show me one royal who didn't do that, back then or since.

At least Elizabeth (and now Charles) took and are taking their responsibilities seriously. But Charles is in the same boat as "the Great Abdicator": sensitive boy (conscious of his "sticking out ears"), emotionally-distant mum, dad who had no time for him (and sent him to Rugby College, where he was bullied), grew up and didn't know how to talk to women, ended up in a scandal. At least the public -- mostly -- forgave him, I guess?
The Prince Harry scandals seem to be similar. Little boy with a distant dad (and this time, seemingly loving mum ... who then dies), grows up and goes into the army (like Eddie went to the Navy), gets bullied a bit, gets involved in scandals -- got naked in Vegas, cheated in school ... and that Nazi uniform scandal (just like the ones that Eddie the Abdicator adored). The more things change.
P.S. I'm not a royals watcher, but when they do something stupid, all the news channels go on and on and on about it, so it's hard not to be aware of it.