Actually, I didn't pay anything for it. I found it in the library, and being starved of anything Pterry-related to read, I thought - "Why not"?
I didn't read through the whole thing. I persevered through the earlier chapters because the subject material was unfamiliar to me, but skimmed through some of the later chapters as they turned into a kind of opinion piece. *shrug*
It's interesting that you describe Cabell's work as a pile of

, because the book I read just prior to it was
Miss Felicity Beedle's The World of Poo. 
I borrowed it from the library to see if it would be suitable for - say - my 9-year-old niece or her 5-year-old brother.
I thought it was a charming little book, but I doubt my sister (their mum) would approve a book about shite. She doesn't even like me reading Asterix to them, because it's apparently too violent.

Well, I can understand that it might be too violent for a 5-year-old boy, but for a 9-year-old girl? Hmm ... *shrug*